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A member registered Jan 21, 2021

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oh i typed that half way through playing..  leave it as it is.. it is what it is and now its done.. it doesn't need to be longer than it is. It was a lot of fun figuring out the puzzles.

haha this game made me laugh! :D fun and cute.. well done

haha! this is a lot of fun! well done!

fun and interesting conept.. you can loose really quickly if you break concentration! haha.. very cute. passed 3 levels then got the error. I think this could be developed into something really interesting with some more linear levels to eun though. although i do understand, each level has its own challenge, and the limited environment creates that challenge. well done! enjoyed it a lot. nice to have something thats different to a shoot to kill enemies type game.

wow.. haha.. very challenging! ven after figuring out how it works.. very nice style. well done!

that is one super powerful bow! haha... so i died A LOT!! luckily.. that doesn't matter :P very nice pixel art and gameplay

very interesting :D fun concept

very interesting.. one of the most engaging ones ive played so far... i want to figure out whats next!

haha awesome concept :D nice work and feel

very nice!! :D

hey! maybe I can help.

hey! I am interested! skilled and versatile 2D artist.

keen for the 3 of us to work together?

hey! I would love to be on your team! I have crazy pixel skills all round... This is gonna be awesome!! I can code but still find it tedious so it would be amazing to be able to focus on my strength while you focus on yours. Can't wait!